Monday, July 5, 2010


  1. Which Region of the Southern Germany is called BAYEM in German?

  2. In which Country would you find AINU,a native race?

  3. Name the Greek poet who Drew up the list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?
    Antipater of Sidon

  4. What are freshwater fish that Spawn(Breed) in the sea called?

  5. In which country did ICE HOCKEY originate?

  6. How is Greco-Roman Wrestling different from the freestyle?
    Greco-Roman Wrestling prohibits any holds below the Waist.

  7. Name the main through-valley in the ALPS,connecting ITALY with AUSTRIA?
    The Brenner Pass

  8. What is a “Portmanteau Word”?
    A word in which sounds of two words are combined (Smoke+Fog-Smog).

  9. French mathematician and philosopher Rene Descartes,based his philosophy on “COGITO ERGO SUM”.what does it mean?
    “I think therefore I am”.

  10. With what sport are golden fleece,snow knight and Grundy associated?
    Derby race (names of horses)

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